I've been reprimanded...by my mother...for saying "damn" too much. Marge has read the blog and says the word "damn" is in everyone one of my posts. Well, I'll be damned...

Sis was in town so I had her, Mom and Dad and sis-in-law Martha over for dinner. So I went to the recipe stack and picked out
Cottage Cheese Chicken Enchiladas. But it's not a keeper. It may be my own fault. See, I hate dry enchiladas, the dish only called for one can of enchilada sauce, I used 2...should have used 1 1/2...WAY to soupy. Other modifications were I used green instead of red sauce, used thighs instead and breast and baked them instead of boiled them. Personally, I think thighs are way better, tastier and cheaper. And Kroger Family Value chicken is the best; always moist and tasty. Karen supplied the veggie and Martha the cake. We certainly ate well even if we felt like we were eating chicken enchilada dip!

The trip to GW after was successful for Karen, she bought 3 pair of jeans to wear to work for $6. I usually don't buy stuff unless it's on special but I couldn't pass up this necklace for $5. I can wear it with silver or gold!
Now on to my next project...make Isaac's Halloween costume, I'll keep you posted.
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